Check out this cute Lady Robotika Mighty Mugg that @lindsaytron did.
Thanks @lindsaytron!! 🙂
New interview w/Jane over at Digital Spy.
Jane Wiedlin’s CV is a bit like that brilliant vintage store you discovered last time you were milling about in Soho – eclectic, unpredictable and full of fascinating nooks and crannies. Having found fame as one fifth of The Go-Go’s – the first all-female band who wrote and played their own songs to top the US albums chart – she went on to score a solo smash with the irresistible ‘Rush Hour’, pop up as Joan of Arc in Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, front a pop-punk combo called froSTed, lend her vocal talents to animated sitcom Mission Hill and appear alongside Verne Troyer on US reality show The Surreal Life. Phew! Now she’s created her own comic book with Simpsons illustrator Bill Morrison – the brilliantly barmy, unmistakably Wiedlinish Lady Robotika – so when we found out she was appearing at Comic-Con to promote it, we just had to grab her for a chat. Warning: this interview contains what is known in the business as a “knockers anecdote”.
Why are you in a wheelchair today?
“I’m not normally in a wheelchair. I’ve been on crutches, and now I’m using a cane, but I couldn’t really do that with so many people about [here] so I got in the wheelchair. My knee’s healing though and it doesn’t look as bad as I expected. Some people have gnarly knee surgery scars but I’m really happy with how mine’s looking.”Is it true you fell off a cliff?
“It’s actually a good story! I live in San Francisco and there’s a park called Corona Heights which, like the whole city, is really vertical. I had guests over from the midwest and I wanted to show them the beautiful lights of the city, and they wanted to have a lightsaber battle because we’re nerds, so off we went to the park with our lightsabers. It turns out they have the opposite effect of flashlights – you see this bright lightsaber but everything around you is completely black! I was coming down the mountain with my lightsaber and then I literally stepped off the cliff – one minute I was on the hill, the next I was falling. It was gnarly. I remember thinking, ‘Don’t lose your lightsaber!’ Then, once I hit the side of the cliff and started rolling, I remember thinking, ‘You’re going to die if you don’t stop yourself’. I fell about 20 feet and I heard my knees explode when I landed. Now I have to hobble around like an old lady, but at least it’s for a dramatic, exciting reason!”Where did the idea for Lady Robotika come from?
“Well, three years ago I met Bill Morrison – he’s worked on The Simpsons and Futurama and he’s a great artist and writer – and we became good friends. He suggested we do a comic together because he knew I loved the same sci-fi stuff as him – robots and aliens and flying saucers! Both of us love things that are vintage-looking so we wanted it to be old-school-looking rather than computerised. As for the story, we just jammed together and it was really good fun. Most celebrities who do a comic don’t actually contribute much – they just say, ‘Use my name!’ – but this is really my baby. I co-wrote the story and I would have helped with the art if I wasn’t so hopeless!”What’s the release plan?
“The first issue’s been out for a week and the next issue comes out in a month. There are going to be six issues telling the story of how I became Lady Robotika – I play a gig and after the gig I get abducted by aliens, they experiment on me and I end up becoming a cyborg. After that I become a superhero! When we’ve released all six issues, we’re going to bind them into a hardback graphic novel. I also have an album’s worth of songs inspired by the comic so I want a special issue of the graphic novel that comes with music. I’ve got about 12 or 13 tracks and they’re very Jane Wiedlin and semi-Go-Go’s-esque. I never want to say I’m too much like The Go-Go’s because the band is really a product of all five of us, but there’s definitely a Go-Go’s element to these tracks.”You’ve said there are plans for a musical too…
“Yes! It came to me in a flash when I was on a plane. I realised I have a great story, a great character and all these great songs, so right then and there I plotted out a whole musical. When I got home I went through my catalog – I have hundreds of songs I’ve written – and put the whole thing together. It’s virtually ready to go and I’m just waiting for a hotshot Broadway producer to say, ‘Show me your project!’ If there are any hotshot producers reading this interview, come and see me! I have a great project.”The Go-Go’s farewell tour was cancelled because of your injury – was that gutting?
“I was super-guilty and depressed, but there’s nothing you can do when you have an accident like that. One of the things we had to decide was whether the girls should get a replacement and go on without me, but because it was supposed to be the farewell tour we decided it should definitely be all the original members. It’s postponed but we’re hoping to reschedule.”What’s the latest on that?
“I have no idea! We have to wait for me being able to walk again and right now I’m still hobbling. Once I get to that point, I have to find out what’s wrong with my other knee because I actually injured both. This knee’s not nearly as bad so hopefully I won’t need any more surgery, but I don’t know for certain yet. Then there’s the matter of scheduling! Belinda (Carlisle, lead singer) has got lots of stuff coming up so she can’t really commit until we find out exactly when we can do it.”What made you decide to call it a day after the farewell tour?
“Well, Belinda wanted to move on and it was a business decision not to go forward without her.”Could there ever be another album?
“I don’t think so and that’s funny because we’ve been a band for 32 years. I didn’t want to break up, but now I’ve had time to get used to the idea, I’m more OK with it than I was. If I was in charge, I’d keep doing The Go-Go’s forever, but it’s a band so everyone has their say. On a positive note, if I don’t have The Go-Go’s to fall back on, maybe I’ll try even harder to get other things going!”(Your bandmate) Gina Schock’s recently co-written songs for Miley Cyrus. Is that something that would interest you?
“Yeah. I did the co-writing thing all through the ’90s and I got one hit out of it – a Keith Urban song called ‘But For The Grace Of God’ – but then I got burnt out. Gina’s really good at working at it and all the necessary networking, but that takes a lot of energy. I’d definitely like to do it though.”Is there a Go-Go’s song that you think is particularly underrated?
“Maybe not a song, but definitely the album God Bless The Go-Go’s. It’s such a good album, full of great music, but most people never heard it and that’s a real shame.”Is this your first Comic-Con?
“No! I’ve been coming for years and I love it! I’ve been a geek since I was a little kid so the first time I came here I found my people! This is my first time as a comic book professional though and that’s really exciting. I’ve been a few times to sign autographs as a celebrity in Autograph Alley upstairs, but it’s almost a different planet on this floor. This is the biggest event of its kind in the world as far as I know so you have to be here.”Do people bother you much when you’re here?
“It’s been mild this year – usually they just say they love the comic or they’re happy to meet me – but in the past there have been weird people. At Super-Con a young man came up to me and said, ‘I like your knockers!’ I was like, ‘OK, I’m really glad you like them, that’s great…’ I’m not shy and I’m not a prude but it was such an off-the-wall comment that I just started laughing. I mean, what am I going to say? ‘Thank you – I like your balls’? Actually, I really wish I’d said that!”
Hey Gang
It’s time to pre-order Lady Robotika again! 🙂
Issue #3 and #4 are now available for pre-order!!
North America –
UK – Forbidden
If you don’t know where your nearest comic book shop is, you can find it using this link: OR call this phone number: 1-888-266-4226-65
Image prints only as many copies as are ordered, so please don’t count on showing up at your local comic book emporium to find a copy! You must pre-order!!
Video of Jane performing Lady Robotika songs at Meltdown Comics!
Aliens Stole My Heart!
Gonna Make You Fall!
Ray Gun!
Thanks to Risty for the videos!
Jane performing RAY GUN @meltdowncomics
Jane’s top 5 movies w/Rotten Tomatoes
Speaking to Jane Wiedlin on the phone, one might find it hard to believe the sweet and perky voice on the other end belongs to a sci-fi geek and punk rocker who got her start as early as 1978, when she and Belinda Carlisle first formed The Go-Go’s. One might also be surprised to discover that, after some acting and a solo singing career, Wiedlin reunited with her bandmates to tour, at age 42, once again as the Go-Go’s. This month, the band kicked off their “Happily Ever After Farewell Tour,” and Wiedlin released the first issue of Lady Robotika, a comic book starring herself as an alien-abducted rocker who is turned into a cyborg and forced to perform music. Sound intriguing? We thought so, and decided to chat with Wiedlin about her favorite movies and what it was like working on the comic. Read on for the full interview!
#1 for sure is Blade Runner. I’ve been a big sci-fi geek since I was a little kid, and it was just done so well. It felt like that’s what Los Angeles was going to look like in the future, and you felt Harrison Ford’s turmoil as a blade runner. Everything about it was so real, and so cool, and everyone that was cast in it was so good in their roles, and so attractive. Even though the future looked spooky, it was also mesmerizing. Sean Young… Who knew she was so crazy? She was so great in that movie. And then when she finds out she’s a replicant, it’s so heartbreaking. I could watch that movie a hundred times and I don’t even care which version I see; I’m fine with the narration, I’m fine without the narration. It’s just a great movie. When you’ve seen it so many times, I guess it doesn’t matter. Like, it’s impossible for me to go back in time and see it for the first time without narration and see if it would have made it confusing or not, which, I guess, was the studio’s worry, that people wouldn’t be able to follow the storyline. But, you know, I’ll never know. [laughs] All I know is it’s the best science fiction movie ever made.
#2 is Showgirls. Again, a movie I’ve seen at least a dozen times, and I know that everybody gets it now, but I was a true believer right from the beginning. It is, really, the accidentally funniest movie I’ve ever seen. It never gets any less funny. There’s just something about watching Elizabeth Berkeley in that role, when she’s like flopping in the water like a fish, or when she’s in that club, and Cristal Connors pays her $500 to give Zack a lapdance, and she’s all flapping around on his lap. It’s so cringeworthy, but it’s so funny at the same time. And I’m normally not really a fan of cringey humor — shows like Curb Your Enthusiasm — I can’t even watch those shows because I end up running behind the couch, I’m cringing so bad. The thing about Showgirls, and how earnest everybody was, and how over-the-top it was — I just love that movie. I practically have it memorized.
I think #3 would be The Empire Strikes Back. To me, clearly the best of the six, like way, way ahead of the field — the six Star Wars movies, not my list — and here we go, Harrison Ford again. Harrison Ford was like my generation’s greatest leading man. He’s going to be our Clark Gable or whatever. He was so good. That movie just had plenty of story and action, and my problem with a lot of sci-fi is that it’s all action and not enough story, not enough character development, and not enough relationships between the characters. It’s all shoot-em-up, which is good; I think guys like that. But I like my shoot-em-ups with relationships and character development and lots of story. And, you know, lots of snappy lines done really well by the actors. Another thing is, it’s the last Star Wars movie before the cute came in. And once they brought the cute, it was like “Ugh! It’s too cute!” They should have made six movies for adults and six movies for kids, and then everybody could have been happy. I’m going to get death threats now, for criticizing… I kid because I love! [laughs]
The next one would be Star Trek IV, because it was the best Star Trek, and because I was in it. [laughs] Does it count as a plug if it was made a million years ago? I mean, it was the best Star Trek, so there you go. And it was about saving whales, which I would agree with, and it was the first time that they really let the characters get kind of funny and more relaxed, and I think that was a really good direction for them to go.
#5, I’ll put Galaxy Quest. I know Galaxy Quest is not a great movie, but I love that movie, and I’ve seen it over and over and over, and I still love it just as much. I think Tim Allen portraying a Kirk-like character is so damn funny. I think that’s one of the best “fan” films ever made. And the fake Spock guy was great, yeah. That movie’s really funny. We saw it when it first came out — my family has a tradition of always going to a movie on Christmas afternoon, and we went and saw that one. It was such a great family moment, too. It brings back good memories.
Come to the Lady Robotika party at Meltdown Comics dressed in your best sci-fi costumes and drag, and score a VIP pass for the gallery!
A few more pics from today!
A few pics from yesterday’s Comic Con!
Thanks to Maria Yanez for the photos! 🙂
Thanks to This Pop Life for the love. 🙂
SO, confession I don’t read comic books all the time, I am a part time comic book fan, I read a few here and there, also some graphic novels. As a younger man I remember reading and loving Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, Josie and the Pussycats, and Betty and Veronica.
I love the Go-Go’s too. I remember when the album “Talk Show†came out in high school I skipped class so I could purchase it and play it the rest of the day, on vinyl even!
I love Jane Wiedlin! So imagine when she announced a comic book based on her being a sci-fi superhero I was on board. Enter Lady Robotika!
Lady Robotika is a lot of fun. It’s a sci-fi rock n’ roll geek feast. Issue one came out last week.  I really enjoyed the story, the humor, and artwork is fantastic. Great job I say. Perfect for a summer read. Looking forward to the next issue.
So run and pre-order issue two from your favorite comic book shop. (I’ve read issue one sold out but look around!).  Thanks to Golden Age in Pike’s Place Market in Seattle. They have me pre-ordered for all the Lady Robotika comics. For more info check out Jane’s Lady Robotika website. She and Bill Morrison  will be at Comic-Con today as well.
Now I will wait for a new Jane Wiedlin solo album. Sigh.
New review over at
Go-Go’s guitarist Jane Wiedlin turns herself into a sci-fi superheroine in this fabulously campy romp.
Oh, Jane Wiedlin, what don’t you do? Clothing designer, cute girl guitarist in the Go-Go’s, public fetishist, reality television personality and now a writer of funnybooks. One might think that a lady with such a variety of interests might not do any of them well but, if Wiedlin’s flagging, it’s not here. Sure, it’s easy to dismiss Lady Robotika as a vanity project since it stars, well, punk rock sweetheart Jane Wiedlin, but it manages to rise above dreary possibilities and reach the stars, both in terms of quality and storyline. It’s easy to imagine this being a “safe†project but, thankfully, Weidlin & Company (Truly, it seems to take a village. Or a co-writer and two artists.) manage to avoid the pitfalls that can all too easily lure superstars and ghostwriters alike in situations like this and let it all hang out.
Lady Robotika is a dream of a comic, really, since it starts in a curious dreamscape where Jane Wiedlin’s superheroine/rock-star is rescuing a handsome gentleman about to be in a great deal of distress from under the watchful eye of some bored working-girl prison guards who are re-enacting a conversation I swear I had a million times in my copyshop days, minus the bondage gear and prison duty but including the crabby boss. From there, the comic expands into hilarious pop culture references (I’d like a twitter app for Alpha Centauri, if anyone out there could make that happen. You’d have to be way out there, obviously, but I’ve got time.) and sly self-deprecating cracks from our heroine herself. Throw in a plot with some aliens, and a few winks in the directions of Wiedlin’s well-publicized kinks and career, and you’ve got yourself a comic book.
The art is pretty standard for this type of book, but the utilization of the dark end of the color spectrum manages to push the book firmly into a deliciously camp territory. There’s an excellently executed moment where a vintage car is being held in an alien tractor beam that made my nerd heart skip a beat in glee. Speaking of nerd hearts going a-flutter, Bill Morrison began his career in the herd of animators for Disney, where his credits included the iconic poster for the movie version of The Little Mermaid. He later worked on The Simpsons and Futurama before eventually finding his way to Bongo Comics, home of the million comics based on these Matt Groening projects. Tone Rodriguez has also worked for Bongo Comics in recent years, in addition to his more recent stint as artist on Shadowhawk. Despite this, Lady Robotika manages to look both normal and interesting and nothing like what you would imagine from these résumés, which I suspect might be a good thing.
Ultimately, Lady Robotika is a fabulous campy romp and I’m definitely going to pick up future issues. There are some references to the aforementioned well-publicized kinks so I’m not sure if it’s one for the kiddies, but I’m going to recommend this to everyone over the age of about 15. Jane Wiedlin’s got the beat and all you can do is read along. | Erin Jameson
July 23 – Comic-Con
For full Comic-Con schedule please visit our EVENTS page.
Lady Robotika gets some love over at 🙂
Come to the Lady Robotika party at Meltdown Comics dressed in your best sci-fi costumes and drag, and score a VIP pass for the gallery!
Thanks to EVERYONE who come out to see us at the Whatever Comics book signing. 🙂
Thank you to Desmond Miller for taking photos! 🙂
For more photos from the event go HERE.
Nice review for Lady Robotika over at
Former Go-Go Jane Wiedlin takes punk attitude to comics
Philadelphia Daily NewsALTHOUGH “Jane Wiedlin’s Lady Robotika” is perfect reading for your summer “Vacation,” and Wiedlin and co-writer Bill Morrison seem to be screaming “We Got the Beat” with a story that flows surprisingly well, so far they are telling Comics Guy “Our Lips Are Sealed” regarding the future for the character and concept.
OK, that might not have been the wittiest line ever written, but it gets its point across, and you can tell I was at least trying to be witty about this book starring Wiedlin, former Go-Go’s guitarist. The same thing can be said about “Lady Robotika,” Wiedlin and Morrison’s initial effort.
This is not a book that will ever win any Eisners (the comic industry’s Oscar). But it is wildly imaginative, and Wiedlin and Morrison have a true love for the material and are doing the best they can with it. This isn’t a celebrity vanity project in which they’re just trying to throw something together and hope it eventually becomes a movie or TV show.
In fact, Wiedlin, who has been a regular at comic conventions for years, seems to have learned a bit about the craft along the way. The book is fun and solidly scripted.
One of the best ideas was for Wiedlin to be the star of the book, both as herself and as Lady Robotika. She comes across as extremely self-deprecating. There are many Go-Go’s inside jokes for die-hard fans, and even a scene in which Wiedlin, after being captured by aliens and stripped naked, makes a reference to her reputation for selling revealing photos of herself at conventions by saying, “What happened to my clothes? I know I have a reputation for being kinky, but this is ridiculous.” In another, where she has cried so much her mascara smears, she jokes that it could help her in the next phase of her career, since she’s “never tried shock rock. Could work.”
One of the linchpins of the story is the mystery as to whether the Lady Robotika scenes – in which Wiedlin portrays Robotika – are simply Wiedlin’s dreams or actually happening. We get a definitive answer by the end of issue #1 (by which time you can cut the tension with a knife), which ends with a surprising twist.
Again, this is pretty standard sci-fi stuff. Wiedlin’s obvious enthusiasm for the character and ability to make us laugh by laughing at herself sets it apart and has Comics Guy hoping we see much more of this character and concept in the future, maybe even on the big screen starring Wiedlin.
Comics Guy would go “Head Over Heels” for that one.
Lady Robotika gets some love over at The Infinite Bookshelf blog.
First of all, I didn’t get to Whatever… until Saturday. My tardiness wasn’t because I was slacking, it was because I was saving myself… for Jane Wiedlin!!! Yes, Jane Wiedlin from the Go-Go’s has a brand new comic book out and stopped in at Whatever… to sign copies of Lady Robotika #1. Her co-creator, Bill Morrison, was also signing, but I was so excited about seeing one of my former music idols that I barely said anything to him at all. (Sorry for being so rude, Mr. Morrison!) The fellows at the store took a picture of me with them, I hope it turned out okay. Maybe they will post it on Facebook or on their website. Speaking of their website, they just alerted me to the fact that I’ve also won a signed poster! Now you know why I love that store so much!!
Okay, so Lady Robotika is a lot of fun. The premise is, Jane Wiedlin is abducted by aliens and forced to perform for the alien emperor. By the end of the first book, however, she discovers that the aliens have also replaced her left arm with an entirely robotic one! I should note that this story is in flashback since the opening panels show Jane as “Lady Robotika” rushing in to save her human male (love?) interest. It’s a lot of fun and full of little pop and obscure references (like a Ziggy Stardust one on the cover and a reference to Trannyshack somewhere inside… I don’t know enough about Trannyshack to actually find it.) Along with the fun story, the art is really nice. Go on, Lady R!!
Check it out the rest of the blog HERE.