A message from Jane

Dear Loved Ones,
You probably know I have been part of the charitable fundraising event Bowling for Boobies for many years now.

This event was started by my dear, late friend Edith Speed who herself battled breast cancer.  Bowling for Boobies raises money to help women who are currently battling breast cancer, to pay their bills.  Even with insurance, the cost of getting ill in this country is devastating, and this tiny group is a lifesaver to many women each year.

We need corporate sponsors, prizes and swag for gift bags: If your company is able to help with that please contact Stefanie LaHart HERE.

Donations: I need personal sponsors to pledge a donation to help my team The Speed Demons, raise the most money! You can pledge my team HERE. Yes, I may be a crappy bowler, but I want my team to kick butt at fundraising!

I am so proud to be part of a nonprofit organization that uses virtually all the money we raise to help actual women with breast cancer!
I am hoping you will help our event this year!
Lots of love,

For more information on Bowling For Boobies visit HERE.

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