Dear pen-pals,
It is with heavy heart I tell you that the Go-Go’s tour has been cancelled. You may have already read about this online, or in a real newspaper (do those still exist?). Still, I wanted to personally tell you guys that it is always my intention to entertain and to please, and never to disappoint.
On the off-chance you didn’t hear yet, on May 21 I fell down a 20 foot cliff while hiking near my home in San Francisco. I knew something was terribly wrong with my knees as I rolled down the mountain, because there was a horrendously loud popping noise, like champagne being uncorked, but not nearly as fun!
To add insult to injury, two days later, while recuperating in bed, I realized that I must have rolled through poison oak and the rash was spreading all over my body. MISERY!!!!
So, I found out through an MRI that my left knee has an exploded ACL, which is the main tendon that holds your leg together at the knee. I am scheduled for surgery on 6/16, and my doctor tells me this can take up to a year to heal. Grrrr.
I don’t even know yet what is wrong with my right knee because my insurance would only pay for one MRI at a time. Once my left leg starts feeling a bit better, I will find out what my right leg requires.
So, though I didn’t mean to send my very first letter to my mailing list pals to be filled with BAD NEWS, I will just say I am really happy and flattered that you signed up to get news about me and LADY ROBOTIKA, my brand new COMIC BOOK!!
Lady R, being a cyborg and all, doesn’t have knee problems whatsoever, and the first issue will (finally) be launching on July 14. It only took us THREE YEARS to get Issue One completed. Luckily, from here on out we are obliged by our great publisher IMAGE COMICS, to release one episode per month. So the wait time will be seriously shorter!
At this time, I hope to be able to attend San Diego Comic Con for one day, on Friday July 23, since sitting in a chair for a couple hours and signing stuff is not nearly as taxing as traveling to a different city every day for a month to give shows that involve 90 minutes of dancing a night!!
Thank you for all your well wishes. They are most appreciated!
OK, that’s all for now.
Lots of love to you all,